Calm Sea

Calm Sea

16×20 O/C Attracted by the calmness it begged me to paint. Located on Mackworth Island in Falmouth it is one of my favorite places to paint. I’ve painted many times on this island

Sea Grass

Sea Grass

14×18 O/C I was invited to paint with David Little on this jewel of an island, where I found endless subjects. This was one of nine painted on Great Cranberry Island in the Bar Harbor region.

Wild Flowers

Wild Flowers

12×16 O/C This painting of wild flowers was a big part of Capisic Pond Park’s charm and is close to my home where I have done many paintings. The park has taken on a new look after renewal, losing some of its charm.

Cow Island

Cow Island

18×24 Cow Island is attached by a sandbar to Great Cranberry Island which allowed walking to the island. This is only one of nine painted on this jewel of an island in the Bar Harbor Region.

Days Gone By

Days Gone By

18×24 O/C This was painted in the late afternoon with shadows setting the mood, along with many other symbols; stump, wagon wheel, broken limbs, the big house windows with newspapers for insulation, barn in disrepair, and a last coat of white paint. While I was painting thoughts of an elderly person watching me paint came…



14×18 O/C Dandelions were not the subject, only an enhancement. The subject was Spring . Today I would have to paint this inside someones living room. Often I find subjects that I delay in painting disappear to my disappointment!



18×24 O/C SOLD This was painted at Deering Oaks in Portland. I asked these girls if they would mind me painting them, they said no. Before I was finished they said they were about leave in fifteen minutes. Wish I had more time.

Preparing for Winter

Preparing for Winter

14×18 O/C The gentleman splitting  wood watched me paint across the street in the morning. After finishing the painting I shared it with him and asked if he and his wife would mind me painting them as they got wood ready for winter. Painted in South Paris, Maine.